
Monika Shaded
Born on the 18th of August 1983 in Ciechanów. Adjunct in the VIII Painting Studio at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznań. She graduated from the University of the Arts in Poznań from the Art Education Faculty of curatorial and art promotion, as well as art education, in 2008. The same year, she majored in Painting with a distinctive work called ‘’Closer to Heaven’’. In 2013, she earned her Doctoral Degree in Fine Arts.
[2012] Artistic scholarship of the city of Poznań for outstanding achievements in the field of painting, art promotion and criticism, as well as artistic education among youth, students and adults.
[2008] Minister Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Scholarship.
[2007/2008] scholarship granted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.
[2007] Marszałek Województwa Wielkopolskiego Scholarship.
[2007] scholarship granted by the Marshal of the Greater Poland Province.
[2015.10] UAP 2nd degree Rector’s Award for organizational activities for the University.
[2022.06] Brzeg, Individual exhibition, Museum of Literature and Printing in Grebocin.
[2021.05] Astonishment, international collective exhibition online as part of the 5th edition of the Art Week Festival, Poznań.
[2021.06] Academics of modern times, Group exhibition, Auction House Gallery, Polswiss Art, Warszawa.
[August 2019] Das gemalte erkennen, Group exhibition, Cologne, Germany.
[May 2019] Kryjówka, Individual exhibition at Szewska Gallery, Poznań, Poland.
[April 2019] Neigbourhood 2, International symposium and exhibition organized by Painting and Drawing Department UAP, Lebus, Germany.
[May 2018] Group exhibition at Międzypokoleniowa Klubokawiarnia, Życie czy gonitwa za wiatrem, Warszawa, Poland.
[December 2017] Exhibition curator: Imago. Kinga Grabowska, Serce dla Serca Gallery, Cardiology Hospital, Poznań, Poland.
[October 2017] Spichlerz Sztuki 2, Group exhibition at Museum of the National Agriculture and Agro-food Industry, Szreniawa, Poland.
[June 2017] Monika Shaded. Malarstwo, Individual exhibition at Serce dla Serca Gallery, Cardiology Hospital, Poznań, Poland.
[March 2017] Ż-art, Group exhibition at Galeria Wydziału Malarstwa i Rysunku UAP, Poznań, Poland.
[February 2017] Vanitas, Group exhibition at BWA Gallery, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
[December 2016] Exhibition curator: Julia Idasiak. Malarstwo, Serce dla Serca Gallery, Cardiology Hospital, Poznań, Poland.
[November 2016] Curator of Trzy Mosty Foundation’s the International Painting Competition, Galeria przy Kozach SDK, Warszawa, Poland.
[September 2016] Jubileusz 70- lecia Liceum Plastycznego, Profil Contemporary Art Gallery, Poznań, Poland.
[February 2016] Exhibition curator: Imprimitura Peru, Serce dla Serca Gallery, Cardiology Hospital, Poznań, Poland.
[October 2015] Member of the curatorial team competition im. M. Dokowicz.
[August 2015] Exhibition curator: Monika Kurmin- Winterhagen. Malarstwo, Serce dla Serca Gallery, Szpital Kardiologiczny, Poznań, Poland.
[June 2015] Curator of Trzy Mosty Foundation’s the International Painting Competition, Sobańscy Palac, Warszawa, Poland.
[June 2015] Group Exhibition at Academic Gallery, VII Edycja Kolekcji UAP, Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań.
[April 2015] Individual exhibition at Arsenał City Gallery, Nieoczekiwane, Poznań, Poland.
[March 2014] Individual exhibition at H15, Poznanie, Warszawa, Poland.
[November 2013] Individual exhibition at Galeria Kontrapunkt, Poznań, Poland.
[May 2013] Group exhibition at Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Paintball, Poznań, Poland.
[January 2013] Group exhibition at 1A Kolektywna Gallery, Action – Auction, Poznań, Poland.
[March 2012] Group exhibition at Roma Theatre, Capture the invisible, Warszawa, Poland.
[October 2011] Group exhibition at the House of Culture in Służewiec, Capture the invisible, Warszawa, Poland.
[September 2011] Group exhibition at PBG Gallery, Multi-headed, Poznań, Poland.
[September 2011] Individual painting exhibition at BWA gallery The Free Space Piła, Poland.
[March 2011] Individual painting exhibition at Pastela Gallery, Over what little, Poland.
[December 2010] Public Sphere – Contexts 2nd International Painting Prize at Profile Modern Art Gallery in Poznań, Poland.
[October 2010] Individual painting exhibition at C Gallery, Ciechanów, Poland.
[July 2010] Group Exhibition during SLOT Art Festival in Lubiąż/Wrocław, Poland.
[May 2010] Antykwariat Gallery, ONE, Poznań, Poland.
[April 2010] Identity 4th Biennial of Art at Profile Modern Art Gallery, Poznań, Poland.
[November 2009] Post-field exhibition at Garbary 48 Gallery, Poznań, Poland.
[July 2009] Post-field exhibition at Regional Museum in Pyzdry, Poland.
[May 2009] Individual painting exhibition at The Old Printing House, Poznań, Poland.
[2009] curator of Serce dla serca exhibition at a cardiological hospital, Poznań, Poland.
[2008] ZAK Gallery, under the curatorship of Slotday Portret / Autoportret event, Poland.
[2007] Klose furniture shop, exhibition Młodzi Artyści Poznania, Poznań, Poland.
[2006] Poziom, art gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań; individual exhibition of drawings, Poland.
[2005] Galeria na Polskiej, art gallery, Mów co chcesz, exhibition of works by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland.
[2005] Gallery at the Jesuits, Poznań; Przestrzenie Rysunku, exhibition of drawings by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland.
[2001] Fine Arts Department of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, awarded at the students drawing exhibition, Poland.
[2000] Fine Arts Department of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, awarded at the students photography exhibition, Poland.
[2014] e-book Poznanie Monika Shaded.
[2018] Chairwoman of the jury 3rd Edition of Trzy Mosty Foundation’s the International Painting Competition.
[2015-2016] Curator of Trzy Mosty Foundation’s the International Painting Competition (1st and 2nd Edition).
[2014-2017] Conducting drawing and painting classes at the Poznań National Museum.
[2008-2009] Prowadziła zajęcia socjoterapii dla dzieci pochodzących z rodzin alkoholowych w Świetlicy Socjoterapetycznej Kraina Nadziei w Poznaniu działającej przy Fundacji Bread of Life.
[2004-2008] Socio-therapeutic day centre Nibyblandia w Poznaniu Volunteer with children from dysfunctional families.
[2004] Sociotherapy course and psychological counseling training.